Found Collective, a group of musicians, artists, and designers that create interactive installations and experiences, mostly using sound and music. Their objects appear to have a life of their own and history to match and are nothing short of brilliant.

#UNRAVEL is a collection of devices making up a gallery-based, reactive sound installation, through which the audience will attempt to unravel the truth about The Narrator’s life by playing records from his collection.

When we tell the story of a memory, how much of it is true and how much is shaped by who we are talking to? Once we’ve told the story many times, how do we even know what is true any more – what is constructed and what actually happened?

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A haunting new video for the track “Counting Birds”, by the Liverpool-based quartet, WAVE MACHINES. Directed by Stuart Lanceley | Creative Director Scott Spencer

A new discovery today from a LA based crew who go by the name THE NEIGHBORHOOD. This is their track “Sweater Weather”. Directed by Daniel Iglesias Jr. & Zack Sekuler. You can download their full EP here.

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